Object theatre, 50 minutes, some spoken German
A brain knitted from wool connects to a papier-mâché computer. A
humanoid object-artist tinkers with an augmented, hyperlinked creature
which is stuck in its own endless time and impaired by a somewhat
capricious artificial intelligence. ERSATZ
is a fantasy trip into a future that is already here. It is an absurd
imagining of transhumanist transgressions and a self-ironic dystopia
with stunning sound effects. AÏE AÏE AÏE creates a humorous sleight of
hand with the darkrooms of technology while exuding that air of
melancholy that arises from the synthesis between human and machine.

which means “Oh, no!” or is an exclamation in the face of imminent
drama, is an artists’ collective from Rennes, France that takes an
interdisciplinary artistic approach. Each director directs their own
projects, while the collective provides the necessary conditions for the
production. Its members share the same curiosity for a wide variety of
creative forms and a penchant for reinterpreting pictures and objects.
The French group has already presented around 15 shows with great
success both in France and at international festivals.
Coproduction with Festival 11, biennale de la marionnette et des formes manipulées ; Scène Nationale Sud Aquitain
Supported by French Ministry of Culture - DRAC de Bretagne, Regional Council of Bretagne, City Council of Rennes
Director, cast, stage Julien Mellano Artistic advisor Etienne Manceau Lighting Sébastien Thomas Sound Gildas Gaboriau Music Olivier Mellano Photos Laurent Guizard, Julien Mellano
Sponsored by Institut français, Ministre de la Culture