Insight Men
Interactive performance, 70 min
A film titled Inside Man provides the plot, which deals with
bank robbery, hostage-taking, historical entanglements and promotional
practices in everyday life: everyone has to do a hard sell these days -
of everything, including his life plan, biography, needs or stories.
Urged by interactive settings and live video transmissions, the audience
plays an active part in this experimental survey of itself and others –
anonymously, of course. Ultimately what counts is never to lose face!
anonymoUS will reward the first ten spectators per evening with 10 euros
for attending their performance, despite not knowing who the artists on
stage are.

The anonymous theatre group anonymoUS was established
especially for this project. The actors conceal their faces behind Guy
Fawkes masks and speak with electronically altered voices. Their names
are not revealed at any point before, during or after the project.
Director, Cast, Lighting, Sound, Media, Photo: anonymoUS
10 euro reward and free admission for the first ten
spectators at the box office on the night. (The offer does not apply to
tickets bought in advance.)
Kindly supported by Waschhaus Potsdam
With support from Senate Chancellery of Cultural Affairs Berlin