DEREVO (Russ. tree), founded by the choreographer and dancer, Anton Adassinski, is one of the most stylistically influential and important Russian alternative theatre companies to have emerged in recent years. Guest performances have taken the company to 25 different countries both in Europe and overseas and have seen them awarded numerous prizes.
The world is a disc, or perhaps a clattering revolving stage; it is a platform on which good and evil, love, hate and salvation begin whirling and swirling through purgatory. Even the angels cannot escape the spinning trauma of this large-scale operation of effects, bodies, gestures and grimaces, of light, shadows and acoustic attacks. Although Dante’s Divine Comedy was purely a stimulus for this production, it is on the basis of the original work that DEREVO has invented a new theatrical form for a unique combination of dance, tragicomic pantomime, clowning, impassioned poetry and an overflowing, at times brutal, imagery. It is a theatre that is closer to the circus, a theatre that you can smell, taste and touch, that comes threateningly close to the audience, audaciously entertaining and monopolising us.
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staging: Anton Adassinski & DEREVO
performers: Anton Adassinksi, Elena Iarovaja, Tanja Chabarova, Oleg Shukovski
when: Thursday, June 19th, 7.30 p.m. (opening act)
Friday, Juni 20th, 7.30 p.m.
where: Hans Otto Theater (Reithalle A)
duration: 80 minutes
T-Werk, Internationales Theater- und Theaterpädagogikzentrum
Schiffbauergasse 4 E, 14467 Potsdam, Germany
Phone: +49 331 73042626
Fax: +49 331 73042633