Krepsko has been a collaborative ensemble for the past five years; it comprises an international cast renowned for its eccentric characters, absurd, black humour and poetic playfulness. Almost all of their performances work without language.
A record player revolving soundlessly, glass and silence: Laura’s chamber. Everything is transparent, fragile. It is a site of subjective, meditative and poetic force, and at the same time a site of danger – whenever other people approach … Inspired by Tennessee Williams’ Glass Menagerie, this piece tells of the infinite interpersonal distances, of the inalienability of solitude, but also of its innate freedom.
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Direction: Krepsko und Darina Giljanovic
Performer: Linnea Happonen
When: Monday; October 30th; 7 pm
Where: T-Werk, Schiffbauergasse 4E
Duration: 50 min.
T-Werk, Internationales Theater- und Theaterpädagogikzentrum
Schiffbauergasse 4 E, 14467 Potsdam, Germany
Phone: +49 331 73042626
Fax: +49 331 73042633