Ponten Pie
Visual theatre, 50 min., nonverbal
ÂRTICA weaves threads of memory, wraps them onto glassy coils and thereby opens up to poetic nostalgia. ÂRTICA is an insanely “spun” tale in the truest sense of the word. To experience this sensory adventure, spectators enter a barren wooden hut. And because almost arctic temperatures prevail inside, the inhabitants spread out their old, worn-out jackets from all parts of the world. But inside these coats are some last stories and secrets, which are brought to life with criminal flair, bizarre curiosity and the help of a mysterious machine.

Ponten Pie is a company from Barcelona, founded by the actor Sergi Ots. Under his direction, its unusual productions aim to create an own authentic world for each stage piece, and directly involving the audience in its stories. Ponten Pie’s projects are also characterised by a strong, visually dominated aesthetic, in which different theatre genres are combined.
Idea, Director: Sergi Ots · Assistant director: Emilie De Lemos · Cast: Natàlia Méndez, Emilie De Lemos, Sergi Ots · Set design: Jordi Dorado, Sergi Ots · Set construction, Objects: Jordi Dorado · Assistant set designer: Gemma García, Gerard Tubau, Marlako · Special effects, Props: Marcos Díaz · Costumes: Espe Pascual · Costume maker: Airam Padilla · Lighting: Ponten Pie · Refrigerator technician: Alex Vazquez · Photo: Eva G. Alcantara
Supported by Generalitat de Catalunya, Asterions Hus, Teatre Sagarra, Ajuntament de Mataró, Estruch Sabadell