Don't we deserve grand human projects that give us meaning?
Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert
Visual Theatre, 60 min, in easy-to-understand English
A white, square platform that seems to float above the ground; a soft covering, like abstract grass. Objects and figures appear through small doors. A voice-over can be heard, somewhere between a sports commentator and a magic-trick animator. Two actors – doubles in these visual worlds – interact and become part of the setting. A strictly composed visual vocabulary leads the viewer step by step into a universe of colour codes, bizarre transformations and comically distorted images and thus through the various entrances and exits of reality.

Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert met more than ten years ago while studying at the School of Arts in Ghent and formed an artistic duo in 2006. Frank initially worked as a visual artist and Robbert as a digital artist. They combine different artistic techniques and modes of expression in a simple way, thereby realising a multidisciplinary body of work of objects, installations, videos, actions and performances at the interface between visual art and theatre. Since 2014 they have toured throughout Europe, but now present their visual works at numerous exhibitions and festivals all over the world.
Director, cast: Frank&Robbert Robbert&Frank · Dramaturgy: Pol Heyvaert · Sound design: Boris Zeebroek · Movement coach: Charlotte Vanden Eynde · Technicians: Korneel Coessens, Bart Huybrechts, Maarten van Trigt · Voice-over: Jonathan Beaton, Anna Stoppa · Production: CAMPO · Photos: Tom Callemin
Kindly supported by Regierung Flanderns
Co-produtction with Beursschouwburg Brüssel, PACT Zollverein Essen, Auawirleben Bern
Thanks to Arne Wastyn, the Keys Family