Albert Lux
Teatr Cinema
Albert Lux only gives the appearance of bringing light into the cyclical darkness of Seven Days in Four Rooms to which yesterday’s performance (see page …) belongs. Those who witnessed that performance will recognise the same transitory space of unlimited possibilities, because it is indeed identical. Yet the play is different. This time the Magrittean figures exchange their hats for burning wigs; the wait for room service is in vain; the matchmaking attempts are even more comical, more unnecessary, and the cosmic order wavers to the same degree that humanity’s secrets remain unfathomable and its relationships confused.
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director: Zbigniew Szumski
actors: Magorzata Walas-Antoniello
Pawe Adamski, Jan Kochanowski, Wodzimierz Dya, Tadeusz Rybicki, Dariusz Skibiski
duration: 70 minutes
when: June 27th, 9.00 p.m.
where: Lindenpark