Théâtre de l’Entrouvert
Figure theatre, 50 min, with some spoken French
Metamorphoses of water: solid, liquid, gaseous. An ice solo! The story is inspired by the novel Oedipus on the Road by the Belgian writer Henry Bauchau. Blind Oedipus is wandering, accompanied by Antigone, his daughter and leading light. She leads the fragile old man in the form of an ice doll that gradually melts and disappears. Drop by drop, the cursed king becomes a fleeting and transient figure, whereby the power of physical transformations turns into an interplay of presence and absence and creates a mythical character of cruel beauty.

Théâtre de l’Entrouvert was founded in 2009 by Elise Vigneron, a young figure-theatre player who studied at the Lille Circus Academy of Fine Arts and at the Supérieure École Nationale des Arts de la Marionnette in Charleville-Mézières. With the founding of her own company, she pursued the goal of creating her own expression in a symbiosis of different visual theatre forms. The choice of unusual performance situations enables her to involve the audience directly in the events on stage, thus creating a special intensity of experience. In 2010 the ensemble were guests at Unidram with the production Traversées.
Concept, scenography: Elise Vigneron · Dramaturgy: Benoît Vreux · Cast: Elise Vigneron, Hélène Barreau · Music: Pascal Charrier, Robin Fincker, Sylvain Darrifourcq, Julien Tamisier · Sound: Franck Lamiot · External advice: Uta Gebert · Lighting: Cyril Monteil · Stage & sound management: Corentin Abeille · Text extract: Henry Bauchau · Production: in’8 circle, maison de production · Photos: Vincent Beaume
Supported by Institut français und das französische Ministerium für Kultur/DGCA
Supported by La Fabrique de Théâtre in Mons; Arts vivants en Vaucluse; Pôle de création Le Phare à Vent; Apt, the Conseil général of Vaucluse; DRAC, région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, SPEDIDAM; Institut français
Co-production with Espace Jéliote in Oloron-Sainte-Marie; Scène conventionnée "art de la marionnette" Communauté de Communes Piemont Oloronais; Théâtre Gymnase-Bernardines in Marseille; TJP Centre dramatique National d’Alsace in Strasbourg; Théâtre Durance in Château-Arnoux; 3bisf-lieu d’arts contemporains in Aix-en-Provence; International festival of puppets in Charleville-Mézières