Summer '69
Tof Théâtre
Puppet Theatre, 30 minutes, nonverbal. No admission for young people under 18.
The past is still present here! On a previously prepared table, serving as a miniature stage, the elderly Jean – a life-size puppet – dreams up the perfect day once more: a warm summer breeze, a drive to the country, a picnic in the woods, animals, a campfire, a blonde girl and an erotic romance. Little by little, detail by detail, Jean pulls at the thread of memory, but there are snags, knots and tears. Summer ’69 is an entertaining memory exercise between awe and melancholy, timidity and abandon, as well as an enjoyable instant fix for the loneliness of old age.

Tof Théâtre was founded in 1986 by Alain Moreau. The miniature realism of the Tof ensemble allows the audience to see the puppeteers, while the puppets still remain the focus of the show. Often without words, the shows are intended for a wide audience. Since 2001, the Tof Théâtre has made an old cinema in Genappe (near Brussels) its home, converting it into a small theatre with room for up to 100 spectators.
Concept, writing, direction, set design, puppets Alain Moreau, Jean Dekoninck Artistic advice, image editing Thomas Boucart Artistic collaborators Nicolas Laine, Dorothée Schoonooghe, My-Linh Bui Artistic support Andrzej Zeydler-Zborowski, Céline Robaszynski, Matthieu Chemin
Photo Vincent van Utterbeeck | My-Linh Bui