03:08:38 States of Emergency by Tore Vagn Lid
Multimedia Object Theatre, 188 minutes, different languages with German surtitles. The audience is free to move around. No admission for young people under 16.
A countdown with blinking lights, always visible amid an installation consisting of cameras, miniature worlds, objects, musical instruments, cables and loudspeakers. With the aid of elements of object theatre as well as original radio sequences, 03:08:38 States of Emergency reconstructs the afternoon of 22 July 2011 when Norway was in a state of emergency. The course of events during the attack in Oslo on the island of Utøya is revealed as an audiovisual requiem, prismatically, meticulously and virtually, played out in real time, showing how normality is gradually erased by the constant news updates between perpetual truth and falsehood.

Transiteatret-Bergen is a theatre ensemble based in the Norwegian city of Bergen. Under the artistic direction of playwright and director Tore Vagn Lid the ensemble develops contemporary theatre projects at the interface of theatre and music. The company strives to use the theatre as a critical experiential space in its work. Since its founding in 2001, the company has created over 20 scenic experiments and prize-winning productions performed in several European countries. It was the first Norwegian ensemble to perform at the Salzburg Festival.
Co-production with Goethe University Frankfurt – Institute for TFM, NTNU Trondheim, Det Vestnorske Teateret, Wrap Arts Centre, Dramatikkens hus, Festspillene i Nord-Norge, Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler, Vega Scene
Direction, audio-visual concept Tore Vagn Lid Scenography Øystein Nesheim, Tore Vagn Lid Composers Tore Vagn Lid, Terje Isungset Sound design Tore Vagn Lid, Morten Skage, Mathias Grønsdahl Creative producer Tor Christian F. Bleikli Camera team, performers Anders Elsrud Hultgreen, Tor Christian F. Bleikli, Øystein Nesheim Illustrators, performers Øystein Nesheim, Arvid Pettersen Musicians Terje Isungset, Tore Vagn Lid, Per Jørgensen, Morten Skage, Hilde Annine Hasselberg Technique, sound, video Mathias Grønsdahl Choir Eugen Zigutkin, Jako Roder, Patrycja Grabia, Agnes Gütschow, Elaine Charwat, Matthias Sens, Martina Kames, Anhi Hok, Margarete Schein, Linda Winter-Wolf Research (Norwegian news) Tor Christian F. Bleikli, Øystein Nesheim Research team Germany (International news) Saija Kontio, Anna Neudert, Agnes Fink, Maíra Wiener, Ching Wen Peng, Julia Forgacs, Insa Peters, Xiaofen Wang, Alexandra Finder, Julia Salzmann, Ivana Mitric, Dennis Hoss, Helene Röhnsch, Ozi Ozar, Anja Schneidereit, Angelina Stross, Fabian Mauderer, Anne-Laure Thumerel Research team Trondheim Research-group CTRLnet (NTNU), Jens Røyrvik, Haakon Fyhn, Barbro Rønning, Petter Grytten Almklov Production Transiteatret-Bergen
Kindly supported by SBG Veranstaltungsservice GmbH
Sponsored by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Performing Arts Hub Norway, Arts Council Norway, City of Bergen