

Fr 08.11.2024, 7:45 PM, Sold out Sa 09.11.2024, 9:00 PM, Sold out T-Werk, Schiffbauergasse 4 E Price category A (21 euros / concessions: 14 euros) (Evening box office: +2 euros) Performance, 60 minutes, nonverbal

Breaking the mould! Utopia is a constructivist ode to humanity’s rise and fall. Myths, barely created, are broken down into their component parts: Icarus, Vladimir Tatlin, Thomas More, René Magritte and Leonardo da Vinci. AKHE tests the great utopian ideas in terms of their resilience and appeal, visually powerful, and — as is usual with AKHE — on their own bodies. Utopia is part of a trilogy; the productions Democracy and Dictatorship have previously been shown at UNIDRAM.

AKHE is one of Russia’s most renowned artists’ collectives. Not above poking fun at themselves, they call their performances, which are brimming with strange objects and art references, “engineering theatre”. In recent years, they have created several commissioned works and co-productions with renowned organisers (including Berliner Festspiele, Kampnagel Hamburg and FIDENA Bochum). AKHE’s ensemble members currently live all over Europe.

Supported by IVA Company

Direction, stage AKHE Performance Maxim Isaev, Nik Khamov, Pavel Semchenko Lighting Vadim Gololobov, Yaroslav Ushakov Sound, music Denis Antonov Video Kirill Malovichko

Photo Taya Ovod




T-Werk, Internationales Theater- und Theaterpädagogikzentrum
Schiffbauergasse 4 E, 14467 Potsdam, Germany


Phone: +49 331 73042626
Fax: +49 331 73042633