Salt of the Earth

Hazira Performance Art Arena & PuppetCinema

Tu 03.11.2015, 9:00 PM, Sold out fabrik, Schiffbauergasse 10 18 € / reduced 14 € / pupil 9 € Multimedia object theatre freely based on Amos Kenan's novel The Road to Ein Harod, in Hebrew with German surtiteles, 75 min

Salt is scattered in heaps: spread out, piled up, and flattened into dunes, ditches, craters, hills and squares associated with the landscape of the Middle East. A crisis and war zone, a region of military activity, fear, pain and destruction. Elements of narrative and object theatre, Japanese Bunraku theatre, live film sequences and ever-new transformations of the fine-grained substance delve the spectator into a magical miniature world of desert towns, streets and settlements, with soldiers, checkpoints and ruins. The audience is a witness to the tragic course of war, at whose heart lies an escape that is equally a search for a final place of refuge and beauty.

PuppetCinema was founded by the actor, director and puppeteer Zvi Sahar in 2009. Using a cinematographic aesthetic, a documentarian's eye, and the tropes of cinema verité. PuppetCinema productions shape the audience´s focus with a strong and steady hand. The company works at the interface between film, puppet and object theatre, documentary theatre and drama – always with the premise of creating a dialogue and synergies between these complementary forms.

Director: Zvi Sahar · Developing Crew: Oded Littman, Aya Zaiger, Michal Vaknin · Dramaturgy: Oded Littman · Design, Cinematography: Aya Zaiger · Cast: Zvi Sahar, Michal Vaknin, Yuval Fingerman, Shai Egozi, Aya Zaiger · Music, Sound Effects: Gai Sherf · Additional Music, Voice: Rona Kenan · Lighting: Adi Shimrony · Puppets: Zvi Sahar, Robin Frohardt, Eti Sahar, Jessica Scott, Aya Zaiger · Puppetry director: Jessica Scott · German surtitles: Ruth Achlama, Oded Littman · Produced by: Hazira Performance Art Arena · Artistic Director: Guy Biran · Production Manager: Daniella Shenhav · International tour organisation: Dalit Itai, Gal Canetti - canetti&talents · Photos: Yaniv Berman, Yair Meyuhas

Kindly supported by fabrik Potsdam
Sponsored by Israeli Embassy in Germany


1 drop 1000 years
14 lieux/Martin Messier – Canada
AKHE – Russia
Company Portmanteau – Finland
D. Migač & J. Maksymov – Czechia
After us, the future
kraut_produktion – Switzerland
Lauro – Italy/France/Germany
Müller&Müller – Switzerland/Germany/France
Melancholia of the tourist
Oligor y Microscopía – Mexico/Spain
F*cking Beautiful Spring
Spitfire Company – Czechia
Summer '69
Tof Théâtre – Belgium
03:08:38 States of Emergency
Transiteatret-Bergen – Norway
fraen – Germany
Kommuna Lux – Ukraine
Tanga Elektra – Germany



T-Werk, Internationales Theater- und Theaterpädagogikzentrum
Schiffbauergasse 4 E, 14467 Potsdam, Germany


Phone: +49 331 73042626
Fax: +49 331 73042633