Compania Barbora Látalová (Prague / Czech Republic)
The Compania Barbora Látalová is made up of graduates of the Duncan Conservatorium, Prague. Formed only last year, the group is already considered to be a hot tip on the Prague dance scene.
»There in the far valley« (Motion Theatre)
Surreal dream landscape, atmospheric installation or scenic biotope? Giant mushrooms, sculptures resembling termite mounds, sulphurous light. In the middle of it all there are three female figures: clever, impertinent, exalted, anti-idyllic. It is as though Alice in Wonderland had gone on a picnic with two girlfriends and all three were gazing with pleasure at their surroundings. If only the extraordarily spooky silence would cease, a silence that reminds of a lost time, of forms from the distant past, or of the process genesis that precedes existence. An esoteric and ironic fairytale about aimless bodies in motion, that combines reality, imagination and abstraction associatively, meditatively and with a subtle humour.
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Direction: Barbora Látalová
Performers: Helena Dostálová, Michaela Komárková, Katerina Otépková
When: Fri. Juni 22, 8.30 p.m.
Where: Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen
Duration: 50 minutes
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