Opening party with:
APPARATSCHIK & Auflegewitsch Rajewsky (Berlin/Germany) Conzert
Folx music is the Berlin form of the Leningrad Cowboys. This term was coined by the band Apparatschik in 1989, when they gave their first concerts that were a mixture of Pulp Fiction and the armoured cruiser Potemkin. This Machorka-smoking band playing the stream guitar, balalaika, violin, accordeon, drums and bass guitar is famous for winning the masses and giving lavish dance parties with fast polkas, ska, punk, Siberian Rock´n Roll, drinking songs and ballads, all sung in the beautiful Russian language. And for those who can´t get enough: Eastern Europe dance tunes by DJ Auflegewitsch Rajewsky will let your ears and legs shake.
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musicians: Sibirian Joe (acc), Grigori Kruschtschow (dr),
Kyrill Matrosov (v), Oljég Matrosov (voc, balalaika, g), Geiner Sabaschkin (b)
when: Sunday, June 2nd, 9.30 p.m.
where: Waldschloss
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