ATheater im Depot (Dortmund/Germany)
P.O.N.R. 99 Party of No Return
Theater im Depot is one of the greatest and finest free theatres in North Rhine Westphalia and has been showing new theatre consistently since its opening in 2001. With a focus on individual and colloborative theatrical productions, its programme is enriched both by regular crossover guest performances and an ongoing workshop in search of new modes of theatre.
New Years Eve 99. Cameramen rush frantically around the room, trying to capture the cast of a big millennium party on film. Nothing escapes view. A DJ clad in a sailors suit floats from the ceiling, a live band drifts into the room, and from his chair, Vincent, the director, seeks to bring order into the chaotic lives of five young people. Once having believed in love, friendship and acceptance, they are beginning to sense how precarious and vulnerable things really are. The play tells us that life is an attempt, a test, an experiment; it tells us the story of a whole generation under the intoxicating spell of the new media, of fast-paced consumerism and stockmarket hype, a generation racing headlong towards depression.
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direction: Bernhard Bleckmann
performers: Bernhard Bleckmann, Andreas Ceglarski, Helge Fedder ,Pia Gutberlet, Cordula Hein, Matthias Kiel, Viola Knapp, DJ Martini, Wolfgang Nawrot, Hendrik Spee, Barbara Szpunier
cameras: Patrick Hehlert, Victor Lurie, Martin Reimers, Björn Siepmann, Daniel Schäkermann
duration: 90 minutes
when: Wednsday, June 25th, 9.00 p.m.
where: Lindenpark
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