AXE (St Petersburg/Russia)
The White Cabin Special Version
Visual Theatre
AXE have been frequent guests at UNIDRAM and their White Cabin has meanwhile achieved cult status. It is filled with absurd objects and art citations, drawing on an ironic eclecticism that seeks to unite the sublime with the banal.
The White Cabin is an infinite puzzle of living body installations, a dream theatre of chaos, nonsense and elegant tristesse, a kind of zany variety show. Four figures and noble heroes perform a quirky balancing act between theatre performance, painting, photography and film, struggling all the while with space and matter. Their search for contact with fellow humanity results in their consistently marching right past one another, always staring straight ahead. Ironised rituals and absurdly eccentric actions are combined mysteriously with one another, allowing the depths of the human soul to shine forth.
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direction: Wadim Wassilijew
performer: Maxim Isajew, Pawel Semtschenko, Barbara Seiffert
duration: ca. 70 minutes
when: 28. Juni, 21.30 Uhr
where: Waldschloss
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For further informations
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