Black Hole Theatre (Melbourne/Australia)
Visual Theatre/Puppetry
German Première
Formed in the early nineties, this company combines visual theatre with film and puppetry. This is their first performance in Germany and an inside tip. It is the winner of the 2003 Green Room Award for Outstanding Direction.
A summers night in the 1950s. A carnival comes to town with a clown, a stripper, a faith healer, and Leo, the acrobat. Showbiz! What a beautiful world! Dance the boogie woogie, or do the tango! Fall in love and chase your girl
. while you can. The night grows stormy. As thunder rolls shots are fired and a severed arm falls in the dust. Vengeance is sworn, the stakes are high: drugs, sex, money the usual! And the caravan of cruelty leaves a trail of blood in its wake. To put it differently, when wooden puppets spend too much time reading trash with pounding music in the background (and never once exchanging a word), the result is likely to be Pulp Fiction en miniature. Surreal, brutal, comical and kitsch, this multi-layered performance is rich in quotation and definitely not suitable for children!
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Writers: Paul Newcombe & Nancy Black
Director: Nancy Black
Designer and Maker: Paul Newcombe
Master Puppeteer: Rod Primrose
Puppeteers: Kalki Henenberg, Sarah Kriegler, Rod Primrose, Jacob Williams
Original Music: Ben Grant
Sound Design: David Corbet
Lighting Design: Thomas Howie
Producer: Kay Jamieson
Duration: 65 min.
When: Thu., June 17th, 9 p.m. and Fr., June 18th, 8 p.m.
Where: T-Werk
Duration: 65 Minuten
Supported by The Harold Mitchell Foundation
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