Divadlo Lisen (Brno/Czech Republic)
Requiem für ein Haus
German Première
Formed in 1998, Divadlo Lisen lives and works in a small country house in Li_en, a suburb of Brno. The company works at the boundaries of movement, music and puppet theatre.
Requiem for a House is a bitingly grotesque tale of life and death in consumer society told with hand puppets. The house in question is a little shop of horrors, which, on account of its bizarre residents, its curious objects oscillating between brilliant invention and utter nonsense and its morbid lyricism, recalls the wonderful film Delicatessen. Whether floating angels, or prostitutes engaged in negotiating their Christmas discounts during telephone sex, whether dancing rats or ostentatious pseudo-Cadillacs from Bohemia, this is a thriller-style story of the rebellion of objects and the passions which not that infrequently destroy people.
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Director: Pavla Dombrovska
Music: Tomas Vtipil
Stage and Puppet Design: Petra Kubackova
Performers: Radim Babak, Pavel Novak, Ludek Vemola
When: Wed., June 16th, 9 p.m.
Where: T-Werk
Duration: 50 min.
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