
 »» Archive  »» 2004   

Umetniko drustvo Osum (Ljubljana/Slowenia)

Osum is not an ensemble as such. The actors involved in the project got together especially to work on this show – which is why the name of the company is identical to the title of the performance. The piece was fêted as one of the best Slovenian productions last year.

A floor covered in white cloth. White is the colour of nostalgia: two women in white dresses and a man in black look back deep into their past, where they discover idyllic, but also cruel moments in their shared histories reaching into the present – love, loneliness, fears and suspicions ... Osum is a cross between a family saga and a crime story, inspired by Kurosawa’s classic film Rashomon – the characters all talk about a murder, and they all tell lies. This performance is as much about guilt and innocence as it is about the transience and recurrence of things. It is as contemplative as it is erotic, as rigorous as it is atmospherically dense. It is like a painting of white upon white.

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Director: Matej Filipcic
Text: Irena Staudohar
Performers: Akira Hesegawa, Jette Vejrup Ostan, Iva Zupancic
Music: Mitja Smrekar Vrhovnik
When: Wed., June 16th, 8 p.m.
Where: T-Werk
Duration: 60 min.
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