paola bianchi (Turin/Italy)
Corpus Hominis
Dance theatre
German Première
Paola Bianchi has worked as a choreographer for more than twenty years and founded among other dance companies Agar, a guest at UNIDRAM twice before. It is difficult to pin down the style of her works which are strongly inspired by visual arts. She produces her own dance videos and often appears as guest dancer for videos of other artists.
Three male bodies. Intimacy publicly displayed, then again denied. Three bodies on which dominance and submission, culture and power are being executed. First celebrated, then condemned. Formed and deformed, standardised, disciplined and judged. Victim and executioner, desolate angels or the saintly condemned the role play cannot be made out. Corpus Hominis shows styles and metamorphoses of the flesh in fast motion and oppressive coolness as obsessive, extremely reduced and irritating corporeal images of the occident oscillating between Christian iconography, plastic surgery and the plastinates of Gunther von Hagens.
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Directon: Paola Bianchi
Performers: Alessandro Bedosti, Piero Leccese, Matteo Garattoni
Music: Fabio Barovero
Light: Fabio Sajiz
When: Friday, Oct. 31st, 8.00 pm
Where: T-Werk, Schiffbauergasse 4E
Duration: 55 minutes
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» Performance followed by discussion
With the support of 
In collaboration with Teatro/Theater. Italienischer Theaterherbst in Berlin

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