Short Cuts Long Night of Short Performances
Cie Voix Off Damien Bouvet (Bourges/France)
Visual Theatre German Première
Damien Bouvet, already a guest at UNIDRAM in 2008, studied acting at the Conservatoire National d’Art Dramatique in Lyon. In 1992 he founded the Compagnie VOIX-OFF, the starting point of his search for a specific character for his clown which he has developed since then in his plays for adults and children.
Performance The main attraction: a man-child with the body of King Ubu and the voice of Tom Waits. You can't trust your eyes: he actually does give birth to children. Or the earth lives! - he digs them up. Unleashed, his fantasies create the world anew and transform it into monstrous, animalistic, tender feats. Kifélozof is an anarchic clown show dealing with creativity and creation, a production about the cycle of life and the power of the mind to invent and create.
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Director: Frédéric Révérend
Idea, Cast: Damien Bouvet
Costumes: Charline Beauce
Lighting, Sound, Music: Guillaume Druel
When: Nov. 01st 2010, 8:00 p.m.
Where: T-Werk, Schiffbauergasse 4E
Duration: 70 minutes
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» The performance will be followed by a talk.
A co-production with Maison de la Culture de Bourges, Scène Nationale de Chambéry

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Cie Voix Off Damien Bouvet (Bourges/France)
Sound Performance German Première
With a heart that roars, percussion in his veins and harmonies in his skin, the clown of Damien Bouvet is a childlike inventor of sounds, celebrating the acoustic curiosity that is his body. In this piece, everything is falling to pieces. The clown is Morse code in the flesh, an anatomic short wave transmitter. Sometimes he transmits cheerfully ironic waves, sometimes rudely violent jamming signals out into the world from seemingly unreachable locations. If he had his way, he’d never go off the air.
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Idea, Cast: Damien Bouvet
Director: Jorge Picó
Costumes: Charline Beauce
Sound: Guillaume Druel
When: Nov. 2nd 2010, 7:30 & 10:30 p.m.
Where: T-Werk, Schiffbauergasse 4e
Duration: 35 minutes
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A co-production with Maison de la Culture de Bourges, Scène Nationale de Chambéry
A co-produktion with La Rose des Vents Scène Nationale de Villeneuve d'Ascq
Supported by D.R.A.C. Centre
Generously supported by Bureau de la création artistique - Théâtre et Danse and Culturesfrance

