Short Cuts Long Night of Short Performances
Ensemble Materialtheater & Stefanie Oberhoff (Stuttgart/Germany)
Obermoser & Scheiblermeier
Multimedia Comedy
Stefanie Oberhoff and Annette Scheibler have collaborated for many years. Stefanie Oberhoff, set designer of numerous plays and films is also a puppeteer and organises international art and cultural projects. Annette Scheibler studied Puppetry at the State University of Music and Performing Arts and is one of the permanent members of Ensemble Materialtheater. She has also been in several productions of the Theater des Lachens (Berlin).
Two eccentric ladies, unconventionally dressed, dialect enthusiasts, deeply rooted in their Heimat and well equipped with multimedia are mercilessly trying to save the world by hunting down the Pig of rethoric, killing it, throwing it into the pan and eating it bones and all. A short Dadaist revue of cheerful media critique, it is suitable for parties and celebrations of all kind, except that the world gets blown up at the end. With texts by Lübke, Barschel, King, Truman, Strauß, Bush, Herzog, Molière, Kohl, Schröder, Stoiber and the vernacular.
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Concept, Set, Cast: Stefanie Oberhoff, Annette Scheibler
Direction: Mateng Pollkläsener
When: Nov. 2nd 2010, 6:00, 7:30, 10:30 p.m.
Where: Fluxus+, Schiffbauergasse 4f
Duration: 25 minutes
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Generously supported by museum FLUXUS+ Potsdam

Dieses Gastspiel wird ermöglicht durch das Nationale Performance Netz im Rahmen der Gastspielförderung Theater aus Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien sowie der Kultur- und Kunstministerien der Länder.


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