Opera (Terni/Italy)
Visual theatre
German premiere
Opera was founded in 2006 by Vincenzo Schino and is considered to be one of the most original ensembles in the Italian independent theatre scene. Opera works both in- and outside theatre and, from its fusion of painting, sculpture, music, film and theatre, it has developed an artistically independent expressive power that operates outside fleeting trends.
A circus ring behind a tatty gauze and some transparencies full of holes, the distant sound of children’s voices, bird-headed people … In the flickering light, Arlecchino, the fool of the Commedia dell’Arte, appears – walking the line between dream and trance. The clown: one of the Damned, a Masked One, a Traveller who is never quite what he seems. One who stands for nothing and who doesn’t believe that words produce images of reality. OPERA comes across like a prehistoric evocation, with its imagery of depersonalisation and de-realisation – like a pre-stage of thought. Or like an inconsolable fresco on the existence of humans and their incapacity to become aware of themselves.
Supported by Teatro Valdoca
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Director: Vincenzo Schino
Assistant director: Marta Bichisao
Cast: Gaetano Liberi, Riccardo Capozza, Marta Bichisao, Vincenzo Schino
Sound design: Gennaro Mele
Sound: Giacomo Agnifili
Harlequin Costume: Michele Napoletano
Technical direction: Emiliano Austeri
Special art effects: Leonardo Cruciano workshop
Organisation: Marco Betti
When: Oct. 30th 2014, 8.00 p.m. / Oct. 31st 2014, 8.15 p.m.
Where: fabrik, Schiffbauergasse 10
Entrance fee: Price category B
Length: 40 min
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Kindly supported by fabrik Potsdam

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Picture: Rolando Guerzoni, Stefano Sapor
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