agar (Turin/Italy)
Agar have been around since 1994. Their work has been shaped by their interest in the plastic arts. Their most recent productions were dedicated to the artists Frida Kahlo and Francis Bacon and their respective paintings. The group organises small festivals, as well as doing children`s theatre and teaching modern dance.
»Figura Umana«
Anatomical Theatre after Francis Bacon/German première
The exhibited body, exiled into empty spaces, locked up in cages, the object of greedy stares. Alone or in tense entanglement, cramped, clamped and wedged in together, distorted by agony, paralysed by fear, between Eros and Thanatos: the body as depicted by Bacon. The painter, on entering the butcher shop, used to wonder at the fact that he wasn`t the one hanging from the hook like an ill-treated piece of meat. In a blazing beam of light, two beings tumble as though they had just fallen from the hook and were trying to invent the upright gait. Or freedom. What they discover is a longing for closeness, sensuality, form. They continue to lose their contours nevertheless, becoming ominous, amorphous figures that disintegrate into morbid colours...
Figura Umana is a coproduction involving: Il Mutamento ZC di cultura globale Turin, Montenegro Mobile Art, Agar in collaboration with Santarcangelo dei Teatri
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choreography: Paola Bianchi
performers: Paola Bianchi , Paola Chiami
light design: Paolo Rodighiero
when: Saturday, June 8th, 8.30 p.m.
where: Lindenpark
duration: 45 minutes
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