Teatr Strefa Ciszy (Poznan/Poland)
Since 1993, Teatr Strefa Ciszy has been doing urban theatre, theatre for the street. One of the most important aspects of their work is the collaboration between the actors and the audience. The group has been awarded several important Polish theatre prizes and has performed at EXPO in Hannover as one of its many guest performances.
»Judasze« (Peepholes)
Street Theatre Happening
Newly-wed is half lost: a Polish marriage is celebrated in a shabby room in the middle of a street irrespective of the weather. An illustrious society has gathered there. The fun being had can only be observed by peeping through the holes in the cardboard walls. There are no lulls in the ambience to be expected since the parents of the bride open the doors now and again to offer high-proof water around and to allow entry, until the invited guests become indistinguishable from the passers-by. Judasze is a never-ending story about life on the street, a comical celebratory ceremony and ironic ritual between consecration fair and wandering circus. Spontaneous, surprising, haphazard, arrogant, heartrending and above all Slavically crazy.
A collaboration with the Initiative for Encounter.
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direction: Adam Ziajski
performer: Adam Ziajski, Adam Wojda, Przemyslaw Prasnowski,
Michal Slomka, Tomasz Drabina, Agnieszka Cienciala, Kamil Macejko
when: Saturday, June 8th, 2 p.m.
where: Lindenstraße
duration: 60 minutes
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