trollwerk & fabrikproduction (Potsdam/Germany)
trollwerk is an interdisciplinary platform for fine arts and performing arts, music and philosophy in its artistic translation.
For two years they have been producing different multimedia events which they have released in a series called velcro sync. fabrik is both a venue and an organization producing contemporary dance and new music.
»velcro sync II«
Multimedia Concert
Moving images, caught on different screens, cut and overlay each other, generate a surreal dimension and depth of the space.
Sounds, voices and aromas besiege the visitor, create a feeling of being involved. Human schemes on stage, velcro sync surrounds you.
velcro sync II is a multimedia concert with every medium telling a story from its very own perspective. It is marked by the creation of visual and musical backgrounds which were developed by the means of overdubbing and setting contrasts, thus forcing the imagination of the audience. This series of velcro sync will continue to develop this tension, and again spectators and listeners have to trust their own stories.
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trollwerk are: Raiko Epperlein, Ralf Grüneberg, Rico Heidler, Clemens
Kowalski, Oscar Loeser, Christian Mensing, Lars Neugebauer, Peter Rachel,
Nikolaus Schwab, Jens Siewert and guests
when: Saturday, June 1st, 9.00 p.m. and Sunday, June 2nd , 9.00 p.m. and Tuesday, June 4th, 9.00 p.m.
where: Schiffbauergasse (Russenhalle)
duration: ca. 60 minutes
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