Bernhard Herbordt & Melanie Mohren (Giessen/Germany)
Both artists have been studying since 1998 at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen, where their first performances together were produced. They were the 2001 winners of the NRW award for audio drama. The production to be performed at this festival was commissioned by Hessian Radio (der Hessische Rundfunk).
»world in a box«
Audio Installation
Two people sit in a container facing each other across a long table, isolated, for exactly twenty minutes. Both wear headphones. Each hears a different sound-track. Two stories begin, of which each person only hears one part. They will forget that they are sitting there, as they observe one another. Where are you, when you are not where you are? One of them becomes the missing image for the sound-track being listened to by the other. How much of what you hear can be seen by others? What do you look like, when you are listening?
world in a box is audio-theatre for everyone on the road, an acoustic installation for two passers-by; an audio drama, that cleverly plays with the imagination, a piece in which everyone finds her/his stage in the person opposite, thereby imperceptibly becoming an actor.
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text, conception, realisation: Bernhardt Herbordt and Melanie Mohren
when: Thursday, June 6th, 12 a.m.-6 p.m. and
Friday, June 7th, 12 a.m.-12 p.m. and Saturday, June 8 th, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
where: Nauener Tor
duration: 20 minutes
tickets: 3 Euro
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