Materialtheater Stuttgart (Stuttgart/Germany)
Waiting for Bill Gates
Since 1985, the Materialtheater has been combining modern theatre and puppetry with humour, subtlety and a passion for details. The name of the company embodies their agenda: whether its fish heads, projectors, egg cups, tangled cables, sewing machines or wholegrain buckwheat, any and every type of material is a potential vehicle for plot.
As in Becketts Waiting for Godot, the arrival of an important person is also awaited in this performance. Two poorly socialised subjects, displaced Fellini clowns in the role of highly motivated security guards are waiting for the high-tech icon Bill Gates. Entanglements in the artistry of failure are pre-programmed, it doesnt matter how red the carpet might be. For if the high priest is late, the altar servers are inclined to step onto the altar in place of the priest and open the holy books themselves
. As though the minds hard drive had crashed, we witness the creation of an anarchic absurdity, with all the various styles and genres of humour, which calls cults of personality, security mania and media hype to account.
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performers: Alberto Garcia Sànchez, Sigrun Nora Kilger
direction: Yarron Goldstein
duration: 70 min.
when: Saturday, June 21st, 9.00 p.m. and Sunday, June 22nd, 8.00 p.m.
where: Waldschloss
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