Compagnie Vicolo Corto (Ancona/Italy)
Co-produced with Cooperativa Teatrale Dioniso (Palermo) and Circo Amalassunta (Ancona)
Donne in Tempo di Guerra (Women in War Time)
Drama After Euripides The Trojan Women German Première*
Sicilian Claudio Collovà (Director) and Briton Andrew Walsh (Set and Costume Design) produced their version of The Trojan Women for last years Sicilian Kals`art-Festival in Palermo. Collovà is a writer and has been staging performances for various theatres and ensembles since 1987. Walshs main passion is set and costume design for the opera.
Dust and Devastation. Bodies draped in mourning garments, names carved in skin: Hecuba, Andromache, Cassandra, Polyxena ... silent and lost the tragedy of war in the memory of all women who have been destroyed by war and its terror, pain, loss and captivity. By linking history and its tragic moments with elements of image and dance theatre, classical theatre is presented here with a contemporary feel, reminiscent of Pasolinis adaptations of the Classics or Brooks adaptations of myths a bewildering vision and an unsparing commentary on eternal recurrence. Intense, direct, archaic and universal.
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Director: Claudio Collovà
Set and Costume Design: Andrew Walsh
Choreography: Alessandra Luberti
Performers: Loretta Antonella, Alessandra Giacomini, Alessandra Luberti, Tiziana Marsili Tosto, Simona Malato, Rosetta Martellini, Monia Papa, Stefano Tosoni
When: Tuesday, October 20th ; 8.00 pm (opening ceremony); Friday, October 21th; 8.00 p.m.; Russenhalle, Schiffbauergasse 1
Duration: 80 min.
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