AKHE (St. Petersburg/Russia)
Faust3. 2360 words
An autographed, posthumous work by Dr Johann Faust
AKHE is one of Russia’s most acclaimed independent companies and always a welcome guest at UNIDRAM. They like to think of their dramatic works as engineering theatre, which is not without a degree of self-irony considering the abundance of absurdities, strange objects and artistic citations in their performances.
Performance Accompanied by electronic sounds and noises, the mediaeval magnus meanders about a kind of magic kiosk, a Theatrum Diabolorum somewhere between a fair booth, magic lantern and puppet show. Yet he seems less reminiscent of Goethe’s great contemplator engaged in his perpetual quest for meaning than an obscure Russian magician who, in a unique alchemical experiment, mixes folk tales with Faustian motifs sourcing from Thomas Mann to Mikhail Bulgakov. What comes out is an inexhaustible, hallucinatory brew that the lord of hell would most likely call a total art work.
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Director: Jana Tumina
Performers: Maxim Isaev, Pavel Semchenko, Andrey Sizintsev
When: Friday, Nov. 2nd, 8.00 p.m.
Where: T-Werk, Schiffbauergasse 4E
Duration: 60 Min.
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