--DATE |
--Oct. 25th |
8.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Opening Ceremony with
Ville Walo & Kalle Hakkarainen (Helsinki/Finland)
Keskusteluja Why don`t you call me …
Illusion Theatre
9.30 p.m.
T-Werk |
Opening Party |
--Oct. 26th |
8.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Krepsko (Prague/Czech Republic)
Erorrism - Drama
9.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Max Bauer (Berlin/Germany)
Making Sounds - A Performative Lecture
Supporting programme
--Oct. 27th |
8.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel (Leipzig/Germany)
King Lear - Figure Theatre after W. Shakespeare |
--Oct. 28th |
8.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Ofer Amram (Tel Aviv/Israel)
A Tale of a Lonely Man - Figure Theatre
Premiere in Germany |
Long Night Of Experiments |
--Oct. 30th |
6.00 p.m.
Kunstraum |
Cie du Coin Qui Tourne (Strasbourg/France)
Mur Mur - Figure Theatre
Premiere in Germany
6.30 p.m.
T-Werk |
New Stage Company (Minsk/Belarus)
The Miracle of St Antonius - Material Theatre |
7.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Ed (St. Petersburg/Russia)
In X - Dance Theatre
Premiere in Germany |
7.30 p.m.
Kunstraum |
Cie du Coin Qui Tourne (Strasbourg/France)
Mur Mur - Figure Theatre
8.00 p.m.
Schinkelhalle |
Ville Walo & Kalle Hakkarainen (Helsinki/Finland)
Odotustila Waiting Room - Illusion Theatre
9.00 p.m.
Schirrhof |
Grotest Maru (Berlin/Germany)
Phalanx Bamboo - A Dance on Stilts
9.30 p.m.
T-Werk |
New Stage Company (Minsk/Belarus)
The Miracle of St Antonius - Material Theatre |
9.30 p.m.
Kunstraum |
Cie du Coin Qui Tourne (Strasbourg/France)
Mur Mur - Figure Theatre
10.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Francesca Proia/Danilo Conti (Ravenna/Italy)
Qualcosa da Sala - Movement Theatre with Masks
Premiere in Germany |
--Oct. 31st |
8.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Theater Nadi (Potsdam/Germany)
Himmelkumov and other Personalities - Movement Theatre after D. Charms

--Nov. 1st |
8.00 p.m.
Schinkelhalle |
Chang Nai Wen (Hamburg/Germany)
4.48 Psychose - Drama by S. Kane
--Nov. 2nd |
8.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
AKHE (St. Petersburg/Russia)
Faust3. 2360 words - Object Theatre
An autographed, posthumous work by Dr Johann Faust |
9.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Schindelkilliusdutschke (Berlin/Germany)
Supporting programme
--Nov. 3rd |
8.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
Agora (St. Vith/Belgium)
Die Kreuzritter - Drama |
9.30 p.m.
Schirrhof |
Richard von Gigantikow (Kyritz/Germany)
Laby wobohu
Supporting programme |
10.00 p.m.
T-Werk |
UNIDRAM-Final Party
with DJ Katjuscha
Entrance fee: 12,-€ / reduced 8,- € / pupil 6,- €
Supporting programme: 5,-€ (during visiting a performance the entrance fee is included)
Combined ticket (2 performances): 20,-€ / reduced 14,- € / pupil 8,- €
Festival pass: 65,-€ / reduced 45,-€ / pupil 35,-€
Advanced sale: 10,-€ / reduced 7,- € / pupil 5,- €
Ticket Long Night of Experiments: 12,-€ / reduced 8,- € / pupil 6,- €
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fon: 0331-71 91 39
Workshops |
--Fr., Oct. 26th
--Sa., Oct. 27th
--Su., Oct. 28th |
4 a.m.- 6 p.m.
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
T-Werk |
WS 1: Mask and Body - Workshop Mask Theatre
with Nelson Leon and Daisy Watkiss of Wandertheater Ton & Kirschen (Glindow/Germany)
--Fr., Oct. 26th
--Sa., Oct. 27th
--Su., Oct. 28th |
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
3 a.m. - 7 p.m.
3 a.m. - 7 p.m.
T-Werk |
WS 2: From an object to a living figure -
Workshop Object Theatre
with Alexei Leliavski of New Stage Company (Minsk/Belarus) |
--We., Oct. 31st
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
T-Werk |
WS 3: Autobiographic Theatre -
Workshop Drama
with Marcel Cremer of Theater Agora
(St. Vith/Belgium)
Fee: 50,- € / reduced 35,- €