Lange Nacht der Experimente
Bretoncaffe & Teatr Wytwórnia (Warsaw/Poland)
Manifest Jaszczurki
multimedial dance performance
German Première
The theatre Bretoncafé was founded in 2001 by the artists Slawomir Krawczynski, Anna Godowska and Dominik Strycharski. The Wytwornia teatr, established in November 2005 by playwrights and directors in Warsaw, has since become an innovative space in the cultural scene of the city. Last year they collaborated for the first time.
The step sequence of the Pas de Deux with a computer animated silhouette has to remain a secret, despite all minimalism. Manifest Jaszcurki is composed of performance, music and video installation, traversing the boundary between fairytale and rock concert. A manifesto of the imagination, the simultaneous, irony: sung, danced and with a one-man percussion show.
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Director: Slawomir Krawczynski
Performers: Anita Wach, Dominik Strycharski, Jakub Rutkowski
When: Wednsday, Nov. 5th, 8.00 pm
Where: Reithalle A, HOT, Schiffbauergasse 16
Duration: 45 minutes
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