Henrik Kaalund (Berlin/Germany, Kopenhagen/Denmark)
Multimedia Dance Theatre
Henrik Kaalund is a Danish choreographer who lives and works in Berlin. He has worked, amongst others, for the Ballet Dortmund, the Ballett Greifswald and for CIA Patas Arriba. His choreographies have won several awards.
Performance One performer, and a doppelgänger projected on a screen. The projection is congruent to the original: a phantom identity. On one hand is the product of conventional ideas of work and beauty. On the other hand is a representation of the woman’s subconscious emotional needs. DreaMe is about manipulating the space between the virtual and the actual self. It displays the psychological profile of a socially disturbed being (trapped) on the border between reality and desired reality.
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Choreography, Video, Text, Stage, Lighting: Henrik Kaalund
Performer: Sylvania Pen
Music: Michael Haves
When: Nov. 5th 2010, 9:30 p.m.
Where: T-Werk, Schiffbauergasse 4E
Duration: 60 minutes
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» The performance will be followed by a talk.
Dieses Gastspiel wird ermöglicht durch das Nationale Performance Netz im Rahmen der Gastspielförderung Theater aus Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien sowie der Kultur- und Kunstministerien der Länder.


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