Krepsko (Prague/Czech Republic)
Mad Cup of Tea
Visual Theatre with Live Music
Krepsko, with its international cast, was established nine years ago and is known for its eccentric figures, its absurd black humour and its poetic playfulness. The group is amongst the most innovative and well-known young theatre groups in the Czech Republic, and is returning to UNIDRAM for the third time.
Performance An old bicycle is used as a suspended swing on which a woman is moving back and forth. Beneath her is a kind of kiosk. In it sits a man with an enormous collection of teacups. From the roof comes the sound of Finnish tango. This is the setting for a weird and absurd Tête-à-Tête between a pair of relationship oddballs. Awkward exchanges, tilted dances and unhappy shards, elements from vaudeville, new circus as well as entertainment and magic shows solidify into a loving hommage toFellini and Kaurismäki.
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Director: Linnea Happonen
Cast: Linnea Happonen, Pau Zabaleta i Llauger
Lighting: Martin Spetlik
Live Music: Mayim Alpert, Jan Kalivoda, Lukas Tekly
When: Nov. 5th 2010, 8:00 p.m.
Where: fabrik, Schiffbauergasse 10
Duration: 60 minutes
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Supported by

Generously supported by fabrik Potsdam


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