Matthias Bernhold (Aachen, Germany)
Silent Film of Object Theatre with Live Music
Matthias Bernhold studied at the Zurich School of Music, Drama and Dance and is an actor, musician and photographer. He has worked in theatre with Christoph Marthaler and Johann Kresnik. Presently, he is mainly involved in his own projects and works as an actor and theatre musician.
Objects are the protagonists of both Matthias Bernhold films shown at UNIDRAM: first some kind of vehicle consisting of a Swiss cheese slicer, a milk pot from the GDR and a sieve, the other one a thermos flask.
Blackouts revolves around the memory of a trip to China, starting its trajectory from the small world of one’s own window through the object vehicle into the big wide world of the strangeness on a wedding market in Shanghai. From standing still to movement, from dead material to the extremes of human vivacity, everything then terminates in the ocean.
» After the performance there will be the opportunity to have a look at the book of Blackouts, which was designed by the graphic artist Saskia Petermann and hand-folded and hand-bound by the bookbinder Elise van Rechem.
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Wok and voice: Matthias Bernhold
When: Nov. 05th 2011, 06:00 & 07:00 p. m.
Where: museum FLUXUS+, Schiffbauergasse 4F
Entrance fee: Free admission (Limited Seating)
Duration: 20 min
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Generously supported by museum FLUXUS+ Potsdam.


Matthias Bernhold (Aachen, Germany)
Silent Film of Object Theatre with Live Music
Objects are the protagonists of both Matthias Bernhold films shown at UNIDRAM: first some kind of vehicle consisting of a Swiss cheese slicer, a milk pot from the GDR and a sieve, the other one a thermos flask.
Thermos is a completely open adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. On this basis, a dark atmosphere is created and the death of various pots is prepared. But with all the gloom, two assassinations and the omnipresence of evil, represented by the witches, there is also a lot of enjoyment to be had in the dancing teabag, a naked teapot king showing its thick veins as well as the paper image of a Japanese.
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Glockenspiel: Matthias Bernhold
When: Nov. 06th 2011, 07:00 & 08:00 p. m.
Where: museum FLUXUS+, Schiffbauergasse 4F
Entrance fee: Free admission (Limited Seating)
Duration: 25 min
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Generously supported by: museum FLUXUS+ Potsdam.

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