OONA project (Zurich, Schwitzerland)
Exotic Dreams
Dance Theatre
German Premi�re
OONA project was founded in 2004 and has worked with different artistic set-ups. The piece Exotic Dreams is part of a trilogy titled SWISS+SEXY. It was staged by the internationally known Swiss director and performance artist Massimo Furlan who appeared twice at UNIDRAM before with his own ensemble.
Two couples. Heartache and Confetti. Schmaltzy songs, Schlager and Tristesse. Each song with its own magic. With all this, who is touched by the tears of the samba dancer missing her home by the sea and the fiesta under palm trees on the beach? The dancers move through their sequences of steps with the seriousness of advanced students in a dance school, befitting social evenings in multi-purpose halls. Suddenly, it all changes into a bad dream of being alone. The longer it lasts, the more oppressive it gets, fall included. With very exact gestures and an accuracy of mimics Exotic Dreams is a parody of the entire inventory of the entertainment industry. As sharp as a knife, it deals with the issue of time and repetition, whereby the threatening and at the same time funny loneliness of the figures can be experienced by the audience.
Supported by: Stadt Zürich Kultur; Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung; Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Kulturstiftung Winterthur, Georges und Jenny Bloch-Stiftung, Dr. Adolf Streuli-Stiftung, Stiftung der Schweizerischen Landesaustellung 1939, Tanzhaus Zürich
A co-production with Theaterhaus Gessnerallee Zürich
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Concept, Director: Massimo Furlan
Cast: Christina Gehrig Binder, Marisa Godoy, Francesca Honegger, Ilja Komarov, Michael Rüegg
Costumes: Carola Ruckdeschel
Lighting: Ursula Degen
When: Nov 05th 2011, 09:00 p. m.
Where: Hans Otto Theater (Reithalle), Schiffbauergasse 16
Entrance fee: Price category A
Duration: 55 min
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Generously supported by Hans Otto Theater Potsdam.

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Picture: Caroline Minjolle
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