kraut_produktion (Zurich/Switzerland)
About the Brevity of Life
German premiere
kraut_produktion was formed in 2000. The ensemble’s works are passionate, polarising, and characterised by their emotional depth and uncompromising stance. Two episodes of the acclaimed four-part theatre cycle Chronisten a highly emotive reflection of our times were performed at UNIDRAM 2010. About the Brevity of Life is the ensemble’s most recent production.
Hier entblößte man sein Innerstes, hier ließ man drei kurze Stunden lang aus purer Weltangst wirklich ‚die Hose runter‘. (Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten über Chronisten 1 & 2 UNIDRAM 2010)
Can we get more out of life than it offers? And of all places in a kind of props warehouse full of old rubbish, wooden panels, doors, car tyres and huge rubber masks? Here the players search through junk on the internet and recycle what they find into a gaudy revue. They re-enact legendary interviews with Klaus Kinski and Nina Hagen, hum Neil Young’s Harvest Moon. Rather than mourn the death of somebody close, it is easier to read a pompous eulogy, or to babble scenes from the talk show Das Philosophische Quartett. Using strange materials, they attempt to master the confusion of life. And somewhere between trash, pop and collage, this visually overwhelming and bombastic spectacle comes to the depressing conclusion that our existence is probably meaningless.
Supported by: Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung, Migros-Kulturprozent, Georges und Jenny Bloch-Stiftung
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Director, Music: Michel Schröder
Cast: Thomas U. Hostettler, Ilja Komarov, Sandra Utzinger, Kaspar Weiss, Tommi Zeuggin
Stage design: Frieda Schneider
Costumes: Nic Tillein
Video: Roland Schmidt
Lighting: Marek Lamprecht
Production: Lukas Piccolin
When: Nov. 1st 2012, 8.00 p.m. / Nov. 2nd 2012, 8.30 p.m.
Where: Waschhaus Arena, Schiffbauergasse 5
Entrance fee: Price category A
Length: 110 min
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Kindly supported by Waschhaus Potsdam

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Picture: Marek Lamprecht, Sava Hlavacek
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