Teatropersona (Castiglion Fiorentino/Italy)
Physical theatre
German premiere
The methods of Grotowski, Meyerhold and various martial arts have been formative experiences in the life of playwright and director Alessandro Serra, who founded Teatropersona in the year 1999. Convinced that the body represents the essence of theatre, her works forego the spoken word and focus entirely on the presence of the actor instead.
An empty room with white doors. Everything seems to be permeated by silence and time. The objects and figures possess an unreal dimension. There are no tangible characters but there certainly are moving bodies, speechless and cocooned within themselves, puppet-like and indefinably drawn to and repulsed by one other. Fleeting surreal figures lead invisible lives, steered by powers that appear to reveal what is past and hidden. Inspired by the pictures by the Danish painter Hammershøi, Proust’s ‘In Search of Lost Time’ and the idea of a magical universe, AURÆ is a scenic triptych where images of bodies narrate the inner drama of people: reduced, elegiac and as light as a feather, it also has a strict, outright classical beauty.
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Director, Lighting: Alessandro Serra
Cast: Chiara Michelini, Daria Menichetti, Francesco Pennacchia
When: Oct. 31st 2014, 7.00 p.m.
Where: Hans Otto Theater (Reithalle), Schiffbauergasse 16
Entrance fee: Price category A
Length: 60 min, nonverbal
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Kindly supported by Hans Otto Theater Potsdam

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Picture: Alessandro Serra
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